Welcome to America’s Story! This book is a unique combination of storybook and history curriculum. It is written in the same style that I have used with my own children, and many of the stories are the same ones I have told them as we have woven our tapestry of historical knowledge throughout that time. History truly does need to be taught as History… HIS story. However, you must know that not every person in American history was a Christian. That does not mean that God did not use these people for His plan and glory. Those people fit into God’s picture just the way He needed. In our family, we firmly believe in providing a living education. This means making relationships with what we learn. It means that we learn about both heroes and villains. We learn about famous men and women and not-so-famous men and women. We make friends in history instead of just memorizing dates and names. We reach out and touch nature and learn to be observant of the small things in life. We see God’s love for us in the flaming-red sunset, as well as in the busy little ants laboriously gathering their food. We work diligently to hide God’s Word in our hearts. Our goal is a living relationship with our Heavenly Father and wise hearts that love His world! Blessings,